Book Sizes: most popular sizes for independent authors
Which are the most commom book sizes in the publishing industry for each book genre? UK, Australia, USA and Canada.
Book Design articles to help authors, editors and designers
Which are the most commom book sizes in the publishing industry for each book genre? UK, Australia, USA and Canada.
5 valuable tips on book covers! Very useful for independent authors who want to delight their audience and win over more readers.
Tire essa dúvida agora, baixando gratuitamente o BOOKCHECK, material especial do programa PUBLICAR PARA VENCER® de Rubens Lima! Com o ele, você saberá se está no caminho certo ou se precisa se planejar melhor para publicar uma obra que vai efetivamente encantar seus leitores.
Which are the most commom book sizes in the publishing industry for each book genre? UK, Australia, USA and Canada.
Which are the most commom book sizes in the publishing industry for each book genre? UK, Australia, USA and Canada.
Which are the most commom book sizes in the publishing industry for each book genre? UK, Australia, USA and Canada.